FPSGM Frequently Asked Questions



  1. What is runtime error 100?
  2. What is runtime error 106?
  3. What is runtime error 200?
  4. When should I Build Salaries?
  5. My tagged players cannot be signed, why?
  6. I just started a new season, and FPSGM crashes?
  7. Why are players showing up as free agents?
  8. A coach says he has more money than is shown - how do I fix it?
  9. How do I change a deal or wipe a deal?
  10. A coach sent a bid, but it did not show in the SIGNINGS?
  11. FPSGM crashes when I press submit bids?


A: This is a file error, meaning you have looked for a salary record that does not exist - you need to BUILD SALARIES. It will not erase any old contracts, just add the needed new records.

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A: This error occurs when you have an invalid value in FPSGM.DAT, or you have upgraded to a new version and have not used the new FPSGM.DAT. Get the latest copy of FPSGM.DAT.

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A: This error is a flaw in the Borland Pascal library, and only seems to happen on fast machines - email me for an upgrade.

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A: You need to BUILD SALARIES whenever you start a new season (to add the new rookies to the SAL file) or whenever you add a player to the league with a 3rd party tool, like FPSFEDIT.

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A: A tagged (franchise or transition) player cannot be signed unless the following steps are used:

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A: Build Salaries and read note 4.

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A: By default, a player with no deal is a restricted free agent from rookie until 4th year, then he is unrestricted. These values can be changed by editing FPSGM.DAT

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A: This is advanced - you are warned:

            116 1:30 2200000/3


BUF Kelly, Jim FA:0   *sal: 2100000 yrs: 2 sal: 2300000 bon: 1900000
BUF Brohm, Jeff FA:2 !!sal: 393500 yrs: 2 sal: 667000 bon: 120000
         ---FA---  :MIN
BUF Thomas, Thurman FA:0 !!sal: 2465000 yrs: 2 sal: 3780000 bon: 1150000
BUF Bortz, Leo FA:0 sal: 600000

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A: In FPSGM, go to the player in online agent and then just enter a new deal and hit submit. To wipe a deal, just enter a 0 for years of contract, no bonus and then the plain salary you want the player to have.

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A: Every time you press process bids (if FPSGM is started with -debug switch), a file called DL-DEBUG.TXT is made, which looks like this:

ID 		 FA Tm  OTm Opay Clen Bon Sal    Base Redo rnd pck

1654 Jimmie Jones 1 STL STL 346000 1   0  295000 56   0    0   0

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A: Some email programs somehow add a byte or two to attached files. A CON file is supposed to be exactly 24 bytes per bid in the file, so it always has an even numbered file size. Go to explorer and look at the CON file sizes if FPSGM crashes, and see if there are odd file sizes, like 25 bytes, or 49 for example. Delete these, and re-process. It is a good idea to always backup the SAL file before processing, in case of a time like this, so you can use the backup and safely redo the bids. To totally solve this issue, require coaches to ZIP the CON files before attaching them. Even email programs that appear to not do this can sometimes suddenly do it for a large file.

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